
Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Bread Tag Collection Update

Hi Everyone!

There has been some questions about our bread tag collection. So we thought rather than answering your comments one by one, it'll be better to make an update post.

So far our class ALONE has collected almost 200 bread tags! Our school as a whole has collected much more!

Here are Room 2's bread tags piled into 10's in rows of 5's. 

In Room 2 we collect our bread tags in an old yogurt container that has had a little make over with paper, glue and felts.

Dog Care 3000

Last week we had our first lesson with Nane about robotic computation.
She let us design our own robots and give them a name and a purpose.

Here is Room 2's Teacher's Robot Design.

This robot is called the Dog Care 3000.
It is designed to fill the food bowls and water bowls of dogs. It can also shoot out dog treats for your dog when you're not home. What's even better is that YOU, the owner of the dog, can control the robot with your smart phone. The Dog Care 3000 has a swivel arm and can throw toys to keep your dog entertained while you are at work or at school.

What do you think of the robot?
If you were to design a robot, what would you name it, and what would be its' purpose?