
Tuesday 29 October 2019

Bread Tag Collection Update

Hi Everyone!

There has been some questions about our bread tag collection. So we thought rather than answering your comments one by one, it'll be better to make an update post.

So far our class ALONE has collected almost 200 bread tags! Our school as a whole has collected much more!

Here are Room 2's bread tags piled into 10's in rows of 5's. 

In Room 2 we collect our bread tags in an old yogurt container that has had a little make over with paper, glue and felts.


  1. Its so cool you collected lots of bread tags for your school.
    Its so nice of your class to pick up bread tags for your school.
    Its so helpful that your class done that for your school.

  2. Kia Ora my name is Anahera and I'm from Kaikohe West school. I really like how you collected this much bread tags. Its amazing. I have got to admit that's crazy I also like how you came up with making a yogurt container into a bread tag container that's so crafty and cool what would be helpful if tell us how bread tags could help you make money and fun raise for your wheel chairs. Thank you

  3. Kia Ora my name is Breeze I go to Kaikohe West School. I really like the idea that your using bread tags that your reusing your bread tags and yogurt containers. Its amazing the amount of bread tag's you have brought to your school. I like that you where being crafty. it will be helpfull that your fundraising money for wheelchairs for your school and tamariki.

  4. Kia ora my name is Amber I go to Kaikohe West School. I really enjoyed how you collect bread tags and how you made a old yogurt container it was really crafty and smart also its amazing of the amount of bread tags you've brought to school I like how you designed your container your hand writing its cool. How did you save up all the tags and how did you make such a good picture I liked it so much.

  5. Kia Ora my name is Paytonn Im from Kaikohe West School. I really like that you collected a lot of bread tags. I also like your basket you made for them. Did you think about having punctuation. Maybe next time you can say how you made your basket for your bread tags.

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  8. Hi Felicia, you have 200 TAGS! thats amazing and I can't believe that you made it up too 200. Your room 2's container is very awesome and the decorate is really nice. Your like an artist your getting better being an artist. Have a good day.

  9. 200 Tags How much time did that take that must of took like 2 hours just like your class number but you did a great job next time collect 400!! -_-


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