
Tuesday 19 March 2019

Art with Losalina

Room 2 LOVED having Losalina in today for art.
We were told to draw our own self-portraits, our favourite foods, favourite sport and also what we love to do!
Can't wait to do more art with her next week!
Here are some pictures from our first art lesson


  1. Kia ora Room 2,
    we are a class at Matawai School in Tairāwhiti. We liked looking at your post about art.
    We would like to know where your school is. Matawai is out in the hill country.
    Have you finished this art? Have you got some photos of it? You could put a photo of your art on your own blogs for us to look at.
    Mā te wā
    Room 3
    Matawai School

  2. kia ora Its Amber and Dannamarie we like your blogging Its very interesting. We really like hearing about your Auckland trip going to the zoo. It looked amazing and your uniforms are so cool and also you must have had fun drawing. I liked looking at your post of art also have you finished your art? Did you enjoy It? I think you did well have fun doing art at your school by Edmund Hillary School.

  3. Hello Felicia We are Tuamelie And Ben I liked How you Work all the time and You guys are amazing and You should get a reward because You Do your Work All the time And Being a role model And Ben liked your Drawing and I liked How They Work With a artiest. Bye
    From Tuamelie and Ben .


Please structure your comments as follows:
Positive - Something done well
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - Give some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about

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