
Friday 8 May 2020

Alert Level 3

Hi Everyone!

New Zealand is on alert level 3 at the moment, so that means we still need to stay home where we can.
We get the news on Monday if we will be going into level 2 or if we will be extending level 3.

How has level 3 been for everyone?
I feel it would be the same as level 4, but with fast food! (Yay! I've definitely been missing some chicken nuggets from McDonalds)

What kind of fast food have you had since level 3 started?
Are you excited to come back to school?

Remember to be kind and help those who might need it.


  1. Hey Felicia I have been missing some chicken nuggets from McDonalds to. And yes i am excited to come back to school.

  2. Kia ora Felicia I am going to thank you for warning us because when I was reading I was excited. I kinda excited going to school but I like too see all the students so I can remember them. Stay safe!


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