
Tuesday 18 June 2019

EHS went to the Auckland Zoo!

On May 15th 2019 Room 1 and Room 6 went to the Auckland Zoo. We had so much fun looking at all the different animals and learning about their traits.

Did you know that Emu eggs are blue?? They were so beautiful!

Our classmate posing inside the dragon's mouth!

 And the BEST group at the Zoo because we were with our class teacher!

Here is a link to the rest of our photos and videos!

Hope you like them!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Felicia,
      I loved the blue emu eggs, I've never seen anything like it.
      You must have had a great time at Auckland Zoo!
      From Iris

  2. nice Felicia soooooooooooooo cool
    I love the zoo

  3. Hello Felicia i like how Jordan-James was in the dragon's mouth. Maybe next time you can have more words have a good weekend! From Jimmy and Limihai.

  4. i think the blue Emu eggs are interesting and soo cool but would be cool if you could see its head on the Emu.

  5. Kia ora im from Kaikohe west school.
    the facts you have used are really good. I like the blue eggs.

  6. I want to know why the Emu looks like its hiding? but i reaaly like that picture.

  7. l onjoyod jno parj woon


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