
Tuesday 29 October 2019

Dog Care 3000

Last week we had our first lesson with Nane about robotic computation.
She let us design our own robots and give them a name and a purpose.

Here is Room 2's Teacher's Robot Design.

This robot is called the Dog Care 3000.
It is designed to fill the food bowls and water bowls of dogs. It can also shoot out dog treats for your dog when you're not home. What's even better is that YOU, the owner of the dog, can control the robot with your smart phone. The Dog Care 3000 has a swivel arm and can throw toys to keep your dog entertained while you are at work or at school.

What do you think of the robot?
If you were to design a robot, what would you name it, and what would be its' purpose?


  1. Kia ora Felicia.Our names are Sione and Tuamelie.We liked how you worked hard making your robot and it is so amazing.Ka kite!Have a good weekend.

  2. hi felicia how do you make that! it looks cool dog care 3000

  3. Hi Felicia, I like your robot!
    It looks very entertaining I
    really love the style of your
    robot too! Bye from Teegan

  4. hi my name is Patrick I like how you are helping other people so they can have a wheelchair

  5. That would be cool if my class could do that.

    From Violet

  6. Hi our names are Patrick and Sione we love your Robot Design. It looks so cool hope you have a good day.

  7. Hello Felicia our names are Zhane and Gabby we like how you did your robot it will be cool if it was real life. we like the way you put the food in the robot and we see you put water In there too. We hope you have a nice day.

  8. Hi Felicia it is me again I went to check out youe blog so I can see something impressive and this is the one I am looking for. Your skills are really cool and the style is very good and better. Make some more after. Enjoy your weekend!


Please structure your comments as follows:
Positive - Something done well
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - Give some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.